Week beginning 13th June

Hello and welcome to, or back to, the P7.28 Class Blog! Here, I, Kadi, and Kyle will bring you lots of exciting information about our week!

school show

This week went off with a bang, with the amazing P7 School Show! We had so much fun at the show on Monday night, and I think everyone else did too!  

Outdoor learning

We had a fabulous fun outdoor learning session where we played a maths game, where we got into teams, and one at a time, ran and grabbed a rock with a number on it, then were given a target number. With the number rocks, we had to form a calculation that equals to the target number! We had so much fun outdoors, but sadly had to come back inside, as a lot of our classmates’ hay fever was starting to kick in.

Personal projects

This week, we’ve started presenting our personal projects! We’ve all learned so much about a lot of things like football clubs (Liverpool by Kyle, Kilmarnock by Dylan CF, etc) Fashion by Bella, Guinea Pigs by Kadi, Avengers by Sophie, Fungi by Naomi, and so much more! Here are some photos!


Week beginning 16th May

We’ve had such a busy week this week, here is an update from Lydia and Emma

Parent Visit

On Wednesday, we had some of our parents come in to help us do Orienteering, and maths. It was so much fun to show our parents what we do for outdoor learning!

Sports Day

On Tuesday we had our annual sports day! We did tug of war, beat the goalie, an obstacle course, bowling and sprinting. Hannah and Roma placed first for the girls, and Himmat and Alexander placed first for the boys!

Eastwood High Visit

On Thursday we had a visit from a pastoral support teacher from Eastwood who came in and talked to us about coming into high school. She showed us the uniform, timetables, food and lots of other things about Eastwood!


Scottish Parliament Education Officer Visit

We also had a visit from a lady from the Scottish parliament who came in and talked to us about devolved and reserved powers as well as telling us a bit about different voting systems and how we .We did some activities such as sorting laws which Scotland gets to make and the UK gets to make. It was very interesting and we learned a lot.

Week beginning 19th April

After a superb Spring break we are back refreshed and ready to learn and enjoy our last term in Mearns Primary before starting our next chapter in first year at secondary school.

Hello and welcome back to P7.28’s weekly blog. We hope you had a lovely Easter holiday,this week Noor and Sophie bring you some of the highlights of this week !

The weather this week was amazing, so we spent a lot of time outside. While we were outside we did some learning about rounding decimal numbers and Orienteering. We got into groups and had wrote down some random 4 digit decimal numbers. After writing down the numbers we spreaded them across the grass and then took turns choosing 1 and matched it up to the nearest decimal place. Here are some photos!



Angle Art 🖼 📐

The sun was shining and the weather was kind for out first day back after the holidays! We took full advantage of the nice weather by taking our maths learning outdoors today.

The children in 6.24 worked in groups using chalk and masking tape to make geometric art on the ground. The children then sorted the shapes they had made into triangles and quadrilaterals. After this, they were then able to consolidate their previous learning on internal angles by measuring the angles and checking they added up to 180 degrees for the triangles and 360 degrees for the quadrilaterals. The pupils also applied their new skill of using a protractor during this task.


Science – Friction

For the last few weeks we have been carrying out investigations on friction.

As an introduction we worked in groups to record the results when rolling different balls over different surfaces – the pitch, the grass and the playground.  We noted which balls travelled well and which balls did not travel far on the surfaces.

The ball that travelled the furthest was the hockey ball on the pitch and the one that got stuck was the spikey ball rolling on the grass.  We discovered that this was due to the amount of friction being created as the two surfaces touched each other.

The sponge ball did not travel well either.  This was because the ball was quite light and did not have the force of the weight pressing down on the surfaces.

Raft Building – Outdoor Learning

Before the October holiday we went on a twig hunt around the playground.  We managed to collect some sticks and twigs which we then made into miniature rafts.  We worked with a partner or in a group of three to tie the twigs together and make a raft that would hopefully float in the classroom sink.

Some of us succeeded, others had rafts that tipped over and sank.  As well as being a simple science experiment we also had to work together to design and create our rafts in the first place.  We gathered the required materials then set to, trying to build our boats.

Have a look at some of our creations!



Following a discussion on the Right’s of a Child, we discussed the need for shelter.  We decided instead of making a few big shelters that instead we would work together to make smaller shelters.

We collected the required objects then we started to build!

We all managed to create a shelter for our small mouse friends using the natural materials that we could find.

Outdoor Learning – 3D shapes and nets

We have been working on creating 3D shapes using natural materials such as branches and twigs.  We used string to bind them together to make free standing models.

However, this simple task was not as simple as it sounds.  Mrs James gave the groups different materials to join the branches together.  Two groups were given pegs instead of string.  The two groups found it particularly difficult to make free standing shapes with the equipment provided.  Mrs James explained that this links in with our learning context on Children’s Rights.  Situations aren’t always fair or equal.

To follow this up we used loose parts to create the nets for simple 3D shapes.  We worked in small groups to achieve this goal.  This required us to discuss our options and plans as well as developing decision making skills.




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