Angle Art 🖼 📐

The sun was shining and the weather was kind for out first day back after the holidays! We took full advantage of the nice weather by taking our maths learning outdoors today.

The children in 6.24 worked in groups using chalk and masking tape to make geometric art on the ground. The children then sorted the shapes they had made into triangles and quadrilaterals. After this, they were then able to consolidate their previous learning on internal angles by measuring the angles and checking they added up to 180 degrees for the triangles and 360 degrees for the quadrilaterals. The pupils also applied their new skill of using a protractor during this task.


Minecraft Challenge 🎮

The pupils of 6.24 were given another extension task today involving volume, factors, multiplication AND Minecraft!

They were tasked with creating rectangular prisms with particular volumes. Lots of problem solving and some trial and error was involved in this activity.

Here is a video below of Zain creating pairs of rectangular prisms with the same volume but different dimensions:

Kyle has also completed this task and has created four rectangular prisms with different dimensions that all share a volume of 40 centimetres cubed:

Volume and Minecraft 🎮

In maths 6.24 are learning how to calculate the volume of shapes. As an optional extension task the pupils were tasked with creating cubes and cuboids on minecraft and then had to calculate the shapes volume.

Kyle was eager to challenge himself with this extension task and even created a screen recording of himself playing minecraft and calculating the volume of the different rectangular prisms he had built.

Check it out below! 🌟

Outdoor Learning – 3D shapes and nets

We have been working on creating 3D shapes using natural materials such as branches and twigs.  We used string to bind them together to make free standing models.

However, this simple task was not as simple as it sounds.  Mrs James gave the groups different materials to join the branches together.  Two groups were given pegs instead of string.  The two groups found it particularly difficult to make free standing shapes with the equipment provided.  Mrs James explained that this links in with our learning context on Children’s Rights.  Situations aren’t always fair or equal.

To follow this up we used loose parts to create the nets for simple 3D shapes.  We worked in small groups to achieve this goal.  This required us to discuss our options and plans as well as developing decision making skills.




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