Week beginning 16th May

We’ve had such a busy week this week, here is an update from Lydia and Emma

Parent Visit

On Wednesday, we had some of our parents come in to help us do Orienteering, and maths. It was so much fun to show our parents what we do for outdoor learning!

Sports Day

On Tuesday we had our annual sports day! We did tug of war, beat the goalie, an obstacle course, bowling and sprinting. Hannah and Roma placed first for the girls, and Himmat and Alexander placed first for the boys!

Eastwood High Visit

On Thursday we had a visit from a pastoral support teacher from Eastwood who came in and talked to us about coming into high school. She showed us the uniform, timetables, food and lots of other things about Eastwood!


Scottish Parliament Education Officer Visit

We also had a visit from a lady from the Scottish parliament who came in and talked to us about devolved and reserved powers as well as telling us a bit about different voting systems and how we .We did some activities such as sorting laws which Scotland gets to make and the UK gets to make. It was very interesting and we learned a lot.

Week beginning 9th May

This week we had 2 visits from Eastwood’s science teachers. On Wednesday we learned a bit about genetics. We made our own dragons using coins that said wee and big to determine how our dragon would look. After we had all our results we coloured and assembled our dragons. Once our dragons were assembled we picked some coloured paper and stapled to our picture to create a border. After that we decorated our border to make it look nice.

On Thursday we did a bit on batteries and for our experiment we found out how many electrical volts the fruit/veg contained. First we plugged in the wires to the volt measurer and plugged crocodile clips to the end of them. Then we clipped a zinc nail to one of the wires and a copper one to the other. Once we had done that we put the nails in the fruit and recorded the amount of volts the fruit could produce.

Week beginning 3rd May

Although it was a short week this week, we certainly managed to pack lots in!

We began our show preparations with Mrs McVittie and enjoyed singing and coming up with ideas together.

We were lucky to have two visitors (Shreya’s mum and dad) who are both experienced doctors. They gave us a short presentation on First Aid then helped us learn in small groups the dos and don’ts of different first aid scenarios.

Unfortunately our sports day had to be cancelled as it was raining very heavily, it will be re arranged soon though.

We enjoyed a great Eid party in class where we listened to our friends describe how they celebrated Eid, watched some videos explaining a bit about what Eid and Ramadan mean and we enjoyed crisps and water very kindly donated by the Muslim families in our school. After all that we listened to some Bangra music and had superb fun dancing around the class.



Week beginning 28th April

Welcome to our weekly blog, this week it’s Sophie and Noor reporting. We wanted to tell you about our main focus this week which has been to create our own Maths Board Games.

At the start of this week we began to create some fun maths board games using boards from an old system. We got split into 8 groups and got straight to work on some ideas.


After we had a rough idea we started to create the rules of our game. The great thing is all the board games were different and unique and helped show Mrs Kelly what we have learned.


Once we added the finishing touches to our games we invited our classmates to play our games with us. This helped us iron out some little issues about the rules that we hadn’t thought of!

After, it was time for p6.24 to come and play our games. It was so worthwhile for everyone. We got a chance to teach others some new concepts as well as how to enjoy playing games that help us learn. Everyone was really engaged and the p6s said they loved the experience.

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