Easter Code

What a marvellous morning we enjoyed today at Newton Mearns Baptist Church. Our journey there and back was great with the weather staying dry and bright for us.

When we arrived we received a very warm welcome and were seated in our teams. We learned about the Easter story through watching a play, some video recordings, a competition, an animated film, taking part in a short drama and listening to the pastor. We were also delighted to be given juice and donuts and got to participate in some fun arts and crafts activities too!

A huge thank you you to everyone at the Baptist Church for giving us such a wonderful time.

Cross Country Runners

Well done to all our runners in the East Renfrewshire cross country running competition. We are so proud if their hard work and dedication and we really enjoyed hearing about their morning of cross country running at Rouken Glen.


We’ve been enjoying learning about butterflies and have worked hard at learning to quill too. Here are some photos of us creating our beautiful butterflies.

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Today we started on a series of health lessons where we will explore a number of topics.

We are starting with learning about our emotional well-being and did lots of work today on investigating feelings and emotions.  We worked in pairs to identify a whole variety of emotions and then sorted them out into two categories: comfortable emotions and uncomfortable emotions. After that we shared some ideas on how to cope with uncomfortable emotions and then went moved on to studying a scenario involving three girls and changing friendships.


Mars Rovers

Our House Challenge this month is to name, design and create a Mars Rover (see our google classroom for full details and helpful links.)

To help out with some ideas, we checked out a few websites in class and of course learned from Dr Mathur’s presentation on Monday.

And then we built our first prototypes….with varying degrees of success.  Mrs Kelly was really impressed with our team work and problem solving as we worked to improve sections of our prototype as we built it. Here are some pictures of us working and videos of our rovers moving.

STEM visitor

Today we were fortunate enough to have a visit from Captain David Adams. who used to be in the Merchant Navy. This is where his interesting oil and gas was sparked and he now works in this industry.

He gave us lots of information about subjects that are important to learn about in school to help us enter STEM careers in the future.

He then went on to tell us about the importance of oil and gas in current times and explained how oil and gas technology has developed over time.  Describing the journey of oil to refineries to our homes through time.

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