Maths Week Showcase

Hi, it’s the new blog squad for 6.24 here. It’s Sophie , Emma & Noor. This week’s blog is about our fun maths week activities and our mathematician. 

Our Mathematician

Our mathematician is … Rene Descartes. We learnt about the Cartesian coordinates system and how he created them whilst looking up at his ceiling  in his nice warm bed watching a fly. If you want to listen to Rene telling you more ,watch the video below !

How Rene Descartes created the Cartesian Coordinates system       

As we already told you how Rene spotted the fly now we’re going to tell you how the Cartesian Coordinates system was made . Rene had a square tiled  ceiling. He  wanted to figure out how he could describe the fly’s exact location. So  he used Geometry and Area to figure out where the fly  was going . Now this  type of coordinate is called the Cartesian Coordinates – there is an example of what this would have looked like in our maths week showcase video. 


Planning Our Skyscrapers

For maths week we made skyscrapers out of paper and paper straws.We started by planning our sky scrapers on a square grid,and then drew a larger, scaled up grid on a bigger piece of paper. We then copied the skyscraper blueprints from the smaller grid onto the bigger grid.

Building our skyscrapers

We started by getting 50 straws for each group,then we used tape and string to stick out structures together.We then watched a video about different structures and we found out triangles are the strongest shape because they distribute the weight all throughout the shape.After we had finished we thought our skyscrapers  looked like skeletons so we covered them in coloured paper.

       The end,thank you for reading our blog see you sooooooon…                          


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