Our first week in P6!

Hello, its Bella, Hannah and Lydia, we are your class bloggers. We are going to be telling you what we have done the past week. First a little bit a about us. Our first day of primary six was very exciting we had so much fun. We have the best teacher ever her name is Miss McLaughlin she is very nice! On our first day everything was different because of the social distancing and washing hands all the time, we also have a new pupil called Khadija!

Hand washing: this is one of the things that has changed. We have to wash our hands 6 times a day, it’s sometimes really annoying because we’re late for break and lunch, we wash our hands in the morning, before break, after break, before lunch, after lunch and before we go home or anytime we go out of the classroom.

In class we have been doing the rights of the child and we have chosen the 6 most important rights to us as a class, all rights are important but we chose the ones that are relevant to school (See photo below to view our rights and class rules).

In health and wellbeing, everybody made a ‘me behind the mask’ portrait to describe themselves, the amazing person underneath the mask. It was so much fun here is some displayed in class (see below).

Country of the Week: In class we have this map of the world and on Friday we choose a pupil from the class and they get to scribble out a country. Last week we picked India and on Friday people will write some facts about India it was an optional Homework.

We hope you enjoyed reading our first blog post about P6!

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