WELCOME BACK – week 2 of STEM Fortnight

It was lovely to see all our class back together again.

Throughout the week we carried out lots of different  STEM activities.   Have a look below to see some of what we have been doing this week.


We discovered how hard it is to keep your hand in freezing water. Mrs Blanco managed 31 seconds. The record was an incredible 4 minutes 3 seconds – well done Tegan! Most of us managed less than a minute!

Ice challenge!

Do icebergs cause rising sea levels? We measured the water level before and after the icebergs.

What can we add to ice to help it melt faster?

Tug of war

House challenge – javelin
How long can you make a paper chain using only two sheets of paper? What is your strategy?        
“We will make the circles smaller , so that there are more of them and then the chain will be longer.”

Paper chain challenge: “We will make the circles thin so they will stretch longer.”
Watching the cereal run finale to STEM Fortnight..