Typing Skills

We have been improving our typing skills during ICT. At first, some of us found it tricky to find some of the letters on the keyboard, but we have been learning to use the home keys and our speed and accuracy have been improving. We’ll use these new skills to do some writing soon!

Black Light

As part of topical science learning, P4.20 learned about the importance of proper handwashing procedures. We used a special cream that let us so tiny particles on our hands under a black light.

We then followed the instructions on the handwashing posters and checked to see if we’d managed to wash them correctly. It was amazing how easily small particles can get stuck in the tiny creases on our hands!

Happy Diwali, Book Week Scotland and more!

P4.20 have been busy learning about Diwali – the festival of light – then we made some colourful Diwali lanterns. 

This week we have been celebrating Book Week.  We launched “Read of the Week” and Amirah wrote an excellent book review on “Power to the Princess” – well done!

We have been continuing with fraction work – finding Lego fractions and making fraction lines!

We have also done some fantastic art linked to Literacy and Maths for Remembrance and Guy Fawkes – don’t our poppies and fireworks look great!