Welcome to P4.20’s class blog!

The children have all settled into P4 very well and are enjoying spending time with their classmates after such a long time away from school.  We will aim to post updates of what we are doing in class regularly.  Here are some examples of our learning so far.

As part of Health & Wellbeing, we read ‘Silly Billy’ by Anthony Browne, discussed how it helps to talk about our worries with someone we trust, then made Guatemalan worry dolls and ninjas!

We read Silly Billy by Anthony Browne, talked about how sharing our worries helps, then we made Guatemalan worry dolls.

We also talked about who we were “under the mask” and how everyone is different with different qualities.  We then made masked  selfies!

Together, we created our class charter, after learning about the difference between needs and wants, and Children’s Rights.

We started off our “Around the World” topic with a look at Pablo the banana’s journey, all the way from Costa Rica to our local supermarket.  We then discovered some of the food we eat has travelled thousands of miles from places like South Africa and Thailand.

We had lots of fun for Maths Week.  We researched our chosen mathematician and created multiplication flowers to help us learn our tables.  We discovered hidden shapes and patterns in multiplication tables and used our measuring skills to create dream jars after reading about them in the BFG. We also did Pixel Art and parabolic curve art and learned another outdoor maths game using grid references.