Monthly Archives: January 2020

The legend of Romulus and Remus

As part of our Romans topic we have been learning about how Rome began. As we listened to the story of Romulus and Remus, we had a go at recreating some of the characters we learnt about. Working in partners, we developed our drama skills by thinking about what shapes we could make with our bodies and what expressions we could make with our faces to help act out the story.

This is the evil uncle who wanted Romulus and Remus dead.


This is the wolf who looked after the twin boys.



This was Romulus and Remus after they defeated their evil uncle.

Venn Diagrams

Today we were learning about Venn Diagrams. We worked as a group to create our own diagrams. We chose the titles and sorted 2D and 3D shapes into the right spaces.

Here are some examples:

Can you think of a 2D shape that could go in the empty space?


Can you think of a 3D shape that could go in the empty space?