Monthly Archives: November 2019

Fun with magnets

In science we have been learning about how magnets use an invisible force to push and pull. We carried out an experiment to see which materials were magnetic and which were not. We made magnet trains to show how the north and south poles of a magnet pull together.

In ICT this week we learnt how to find a reliable website. We were looking for fun facts about magnets to help us find out even more about our science topic.


Message in bottle

We wrote a message to coca-cola because they are known as the biggest polluters. We asked them to produce less plastic. RAIHAN

Can you help us to use less plastic. JUNLONG

We need coca-cola to stop making so much plastic. HOLLY

You are our only hope. Help us use less plastic. HUMZA

We asked coca-cola to use glass. CATHERINE

You could send a message to coca-cola too. RUBY