Last week we had a chance to check how important it is to wash our hands properly. After rubbing some Bug Potion on our hands, we have checked how germs would spread- our hands glowed under the UV light (nails were especially bad!). We then split into two groups to test what is more effective: washing hands with soap and water or hand sanitising. The results were clear… Wash your hands with soap and water whenever possible and remember to do it properly!
The boys and girls in P3.10 have been keeping healthy over lockdown and have made their own smoothies! They used their food preparation skills, such as chopping and blending, to make their own Spring smoothie. Take a look!
Well done everyone for working so hard over the last few weeks and for all the amazing things you have been doing at home. Have a look at what you have all been doing below! A big thank you and well done to all your families for supporting you too.
We have had a fantastic start to the fortnight where we have had lots of interesting visitors and taken part in some fabulous activities to do with science, technology, engineering and maths. Some of the guests we have had include WaterAid, Whitelee Country ranger, the Glasgow Science Centre, a plastic surgeon, and many more! We are looking forward to taking part in more STEM experiences next week.
The children were practising their talking and listening skills while learning about the Romans this week. They worked in groups to discuss/explore some Roman artefacts from the Glasgow Museum Resource Centre.
Last week we had a visit from a couple of people from JP Morgan to tell us about the competition they are having called ‘Make it Happen’. The idea is that the children will design their own app detailing who would use it, why they would use it, what the app would do and what it would look like on the screen. During STEM fortnight, JP Morgan will spend a morning with the winning designer and create their app which will be available on the app store!
The children have started to design their app in class and have come up with lots of interesting ideas! I have sent the form home as part of their homework and it doesn’t need to be handed back until Friday the 14th of February. Follow the link below for further information and to see previous winners’ ideas.
The children have been learning about the Romans as part of our Social Studies topic. We have also been learning to sort information into a Venn diagram. The children wanted to use their knowledge of Venn diagrams and apply these skills in different contexts i.e. using 3D shapes and pieces of Roman clothing.
We have also been learning about the Solar System in Science. The children discovered that our planets are not the same distance apart. They used trundle wheels to measure out the scale distance between the planets! We discovered that the ‘rocky planets’ are a lot closer together than the ‘gas giants’.
Thank you all very much for your generous gifts! The children have all worked so hard this term. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas break and a fantastic new year when it comes!
Primary 6.22 came to read their pop-up books to the children in 3.10. Their books incorporated the school values and we really enjoyed listening to them!
Just another – East Renfrewshire site