10 thoughts on “First challenge completed!

  1. Hi Christopher. Hope you have settled in and are enjoying yourself. We have had tea and dad is trying to put on the highlights from the football again! Enjoy yourself tomorrow and try to get some sleep tonight! We will post another message during the week xx

  2. Hi Reagan. Missing you already Wee guy. Have a blast. Dad said there’s no chance you’ve made your own bed cos I’m not there to do it for you. Good luck with that. 😂😂😂😂😂
    Love you. See you Friday.
    Can’t wait to see the daily pictures. X

  3. Hi Rhianne, House is so quiet without you. Lucy, Jessica and Karis were all over looking for you tonight. We’re all missing you but hope your having lots of fun. Lots of kisses and cuddles Mummy and Cerys xoxoxo

  4. Hi Aidan McKendrick
    Glad to hear you all arrived safely. Must get you to change the beds next time you’re over 😉. Look forward to seeing more on your blog. Take care love from Gran. Jim says hi

  5. Lewis MacLeod have you made your bed yet???? Or did someone have to help you!!
    Get some sleep tonight and have a great day tomorrow. Oscar has been looking for you in your room all night, I think he is missing you already.
    Have a great night love Mum Dad and Oscar

  6. Hi Carlo hope you have settled in and having a good time. Cade is fine hope you will be good with the challenges and have lots of fun.take care and c u soon . Love mum

  7. Hey Ben B, looks like you are having a great time. Orla was running about shouting ‘Ben where are you’ all night, making Oli bark every time she says your name think it’s going g to be a very long 4 days 🙉🙉. Missing you champ xx

  8. Hi Beth, hope you’re having lots of fun and well done making your bed! 😉 We’re missing you lots – although the cats think your bed is theirs now. You might not get it back when you get home. Have a great time and enjoy all the activities. See you when you get home. Love Mum, Dad and Anthony xx

  9. Hi Sean T, hope you are having a great time. We are all missing you, the photos look brilliant. Wee Buddy is doing well and his eye is healing well. Winston is missing you. Love you lots, everyone says hi from Mum Dad Charlie Katrina Mark Gran and the Pugs. Xx

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