White group


We are having a great time. We have done lots of fun activities and we will see you soon!


Caoimhe, Monica, Molly, Liam, Lucas, James, Daniel and Mark.

10 thoughts on “White group

  1. We’re missing you loads Monica. Looks like you are having great fun. Love from mum, dad, katrina and Tilly xxxxx

  2. Glad you are having fun but as much as I’m enjoying Primary 1 I can’t wait to see you all on Monday! Hurry back.

  3. Hi Caoimhe. We are all glad you are having a good time. Enjoy the last two days. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday. Niamh says she has a surprise for you! From mum, dad, Sean and Niamh ( and bunny ( Niamh made me write it) ) xoxo

  4. Hi White Group glad to hear you are having a great time hope the sun keeps shinning until Friday enjoy the rest of the activities missing you Lucas Xxx

  5. Hi Molly,

    Glad to hear you are all having a great time! Looks like you are all having fun. We are all looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and hearing all your news. Sampson cat is missing your cuddles! Love Mum & Dad 😻

  6. hi Molly I bet your sorry to come home tomorrow but we are looking forward to seeing you have a great last day lots of love grandma xx

  7. Hi Daniel, hope you all make the best of today and all the activities before coming home tomorrow. Can’t wait to see you xxx

  8. Hi James

    So glad your having a really fun time with all your pals in the white group, can’t wait to hear all about it tomorrow lots of love Anners, Joe and Lornaxx

  9. Hi White group, glad you have all had a great time. We have certainly been entertained from your photo diary of the week. Glad you got nice weather and we are looking forward to having you home! See you tomorrow Liam. Love mum and dad xx

  10. Hi white group. You certainly had great weather for all your activities. They looked good fun. See you tomorrow 😌

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