16 thoughts on “Rafting Day 2

  1. Looks like ur all having a great time, wish I was there with you Aidan, hope the water is not too cold haha, enjoy the rest of your day, LY XXX

  2. Rafting looks amazing. Chuffed you’re all having fun & making lots of long lasting memories.
    Still missing you Reagan
    Love Mum & Dad. XxxXxxXxxXxxX

  3. The rafting looks such fun, looks like you are all having a great time. The sun has come out for you too. Miss you lots Lewis N, Anna is even missing you!!! Lots of love mum xxxxxx

  4. Oh my Sofie that looks like sooo much fun, especially when the raft fell apart!!! 😂
    Tony is VERY jealous of all the fun you are having. He has asked me to tell you that he passed his Judo grading and can’t wait to show his new belt to you!

    Love, mum X

  5. Enjoying all the photographs looks as though everyone having fun …looking forward to hearing all about it when you get home Rhianne …have fun ! Love you ..granny and granpa xx

  6. We’ve all had a great laugh looking at your rafting pictures, you held on well Ben when your raft came apart. Looks amazing fun, we are all so jealous. Can’t wait to see what you’re doing tomorrow 💙 xxx

  7. Looks like your having so much fun Leah, Taylor’s up in her room studying wishing she was having all that fun with you Xxx

  8. Hi Rhianne, Hope you’re having a great time. The weather is great so far for you. Lots of love Mummy and Cerys xoxo

  9. Hi Matthew. It all looks like great fun. Glad some other people got wet today. Looked like you were the only one yesterday. Looked cold but I’m sure you were loving it. Lots of love, Mum, Dad and the sisters.

  10. Looks like a boat load of fun. One or two design flaws to be sorted out I think.
    Good to see everyone enjoying themselves.

  11. Hi Aidan T! Looks like an amazing place! You won’t have time to miss us, I bet you’re so tired that you fall asleep straight away. House is quiet, your bro n sis are studying hard. How are your new trainers? Remember and keep your laces tied tight. I didn’t buy you Velcro ones, I think they’re a rip off 😜
    Ok sweetheart, keep havin a ball and I’ll see you Friday, can’t wait xxx

  12. Loving the photos. Lots of activities – just what you like! 👍 Keep busy Molly. Love mum, dad & Erin. Ps we r all missing you🎷 Xx

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