Well done to P3b who did a fabulous assembly today all about St Patrick. Thanks also to Miss Eusebi who is leaving the school today to finish her studies. We wish her well in her future career.
LEPRA Workout
Children have been enjoying their LEPRA workouts today after collecting money for the charity as part of our Lenten charities fundraising.
Star Pupils and achievers at Assembly 14th March
Well done to all who got certificates at assembly today.
World Book Day 2016
The theme for World Book Day in St Machan’s this year was ‘Bedtime Stories’ and so the children and staff came to school in their pyjamas. It was a fun filled day with a focus on literacy and events included – parents coming in to read to different classes, senior children buddying up with the infants to read them stories and a reading quiz.
Mothers Day Sale
Thanks to the PTA who organised this year’s Mothers Day Sale. The children were delighted to be able to buy such lovely gifts for their mums.
P3 Family Prayer Service
Achievers in St Machan’s
Lots of achievements were recognised today at our assembly including the P7 girls for their participation in the St Ninian’s Dance Festival, P1 winners of the bulb growing competition, Achievers of the Month and the P7s who came 3rd in the Kirkintilloch Rotary Quiz. Well done to all!
P7 Dance Festival
Well done to our fabulous P7 girls who performed wonderfully at the St Ninian’s dance festival on Tuesday 22nd February. The girls practised hard with help from their talented dance leaders from St Ninian’s and came up with an original routine which went down a storm on the night. Thanks also to Niamh’s sister who came along and did hair and makeup for the girls. Great show!
P1 & P2 After School Dance Club
The P1 and P2 children enjoyed their after school dance club which started today. The club will run for 4 weeks.
P4 Assembly
P4 presented a lovely assembly today about love. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came along to support the children.