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Play 31

Play 31 is the new Golden Time in St Machan’s. Children now sign up for skills based activities on a Friday afternoon which they earn for good behaviour during the week. The name comes from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – Article 31 which states the right a child has to play. Activities during Play 31 include Arts & Crafts, Yoga, ICT, Food preparation & Fitness.



Marley Cup Winners

Congratulations to Mr Hood and the St Machan’s football team for winning the Marley Cup against Lennoxtown Primary this year.  The game ended in a 5-2 victory for St Machan’s with both teams playing some very exciting football.  Thanks to Mr McEnhill for refereeing the game.


Loving Maths Through Music Showcase

Our ‘ Loving Maths Through Music’ project ended with a buzz today at a showcase event which parents and families attended.  The children performed a range of musical songs and games which were linked to numbers, number processes, patterns and shape.  The project was aimed at building the children’s confidence with number work while have a lot of fun at the same time. Thanks to Karen Geoghan from the National Youth Choir of Scotland who has been working with the children and staff for the past year.  Thanks also to all the parent who attended.