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Evacuees Play

P7 and P6/7 put on a wonderful play on Thursday 4th May and invited their families and residents along from the local Care Homes.  Everyone enjoyed the performance tremendously, especially the sing-a-long at the end.  Well done boys and girls!

P2 Trip to Summerlee

As part of their interdisciplinary learning project on ‘The 60s’ the P2 class took a trip to Summerlee Heritage Centre.  They took part in interactive workshops and visited cottages which were decorated from that era.  Everyone learned a lot from the day and enjoyed themselves.

Malawi Cheque Presentation

A cheque for £1,365 was presented to Donald Sutherland today for our sister school in Katete, Malawi.  Donald told everyone about how the money we sent last year has been used in the school to build toilets, buy hedge seedlings, exercise books and other essentials for the children there.  Thank you to everyone who helped raise this money through our Malawi Coffee Morning and to Dominic for the great work he is doing.

Interdisciplinary Learning in P4 – The Romans

P4 have been working hard with Miss Eusebi learning all about the Romans.  The children have been applying their skills and knowledge in a variety of ways to make Roman Bath Houses, Powerpoint Presentations about the Romans and a variety of other interdisciplinary tasks.  They were anxious to share the work with their parents so they had an open afternoon where mums, dads and grans came along to enjoy a Roman banquet with the class!  Molto bene!!

Stations of the Cross

During Lent our upper school children have been leading weekly Stations of the Cross which has been a time for the whole school to reflect on the Passion of Jesus.  On Thursday 16th March 14 of our P6 & 7 children led an evening session in St Machan’s Church with Fr Deighan presiding and families and parishioners attending.  They were a credit to their families and the school. Well done boys and girls!