Friday 4th October

co-operation & team work


Hours of fun and creativity with our new outdoor blocks and connector set.

We have:

“the longest train in the world”

” a robot”

” superhero kingdom”



August 24 – Outdoor play

Making lotions and potions in the outdoor area.

This developed language and number skills through pouring, counting, measuring and discussing what potions they were making

24th July 2024

Block Play – cross curricular learning opportunities for all levels of development.  Children can take their imaginations on amazing journeys,  linking with the world around them.

30th May 24

The children enjoyed reading the story of SuperTato. This then led to them making their own veggie heroes

19th April 24


Creative design in action – The children used many different techniques and imaginative skills to create images and models.

Developing language skills and their knowledge of the world around them.  Developing early writing skills                                                                                              Adding detail to drawings


16th February 24

The children are developing valuable life skills, whilst making banana smoothies.
Amazing Clay – the children used clay and loose part materials to make beautiful blossom trees. (Recycled yoghurt pots from snack too)

16th February 24

The children are developing their writing skills – copying Chinese writing
Valentine’s Day fun – the children made icing to decorate biscuits. They chose love heart messages for the top
Developing writing skills and pencil control
Learning about fractions during baking activity – half, quarter, whole 


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