The Gingerbread Man Game
Try counting, ordering and matching quantities to numbers.
The Gingerbread Man Game – Counting, Matching and Ordering game (
Teddy Numbers
Choose numbers to 5, 10 or 15
Learning to Count up to 15 with Teddy Numbers Interactive Maths Game (
Count the Yeti
Count the yetis and hit the target number – choose bronze, silver or gold level.
‘Count the Yeti 1 to 10’ (
Balancing Numbers
A tricky concept! Choosing say, 4 on one side, how can you balance it at the other? Another 4, or possibly something else? Have a try. Please use the blank tag, no need to look at the greater/less than and equals tag.
Ten Frame
Making number up to 10. How many at the top and how many at the bottom 1 at the top and 2 at the bottom…how many? What about 2 at the top and 1 at the bottom, still 3…wow. What else can we try?
Spin and Match
Get up 10 counting things (it can be anything, little toys, beads, raisins), click spin and count out that number.