
The Gingerbread Man Game

Try counting, ordering and matching quantities to numbers.

The Gingerbread Man Game – Counting, Matching and Ordering game (


Teddy Numbers

Choose numbers to 5, 10 or 15

Learning to Count up to 15 with Teddy Numbers Interactive Maths Game (


Count the Yeti

Count the yetis and hit the target number – choose bronze, silver or gold level.

‘Count the Yeti 1 to 10’ (


Balancing Numbers

A tricky concept! Choosing say, 4 on one side, how can you balance it at the other?  Another 4, or possibly something else?  Have a try.  Please use the blank tag, no need to look at the greater/less than and equals tag.

Math Balance (


Ten Frame

Making number up to 10.  How many at the top and how many at the bottom 1 at the top and 2 at the bottom…how many?  What about 2 at the top and 1 at the bottom, still 3…wow.  What else can we try?

Ten Frames (


Spin and Match

Get up 10 counting things (it can be anything, little toys, beads, raisins), click spin and count out that number.

Spin tool (

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