Our virtual reality experience was out of this world!
Category: STEM
As part of our learning about buoyancy we were challenged to design a floating vessel which would hold as many cubes as possible.
We made our individual prototypes using only one A4 piece of paper and then came together in our groups to incorporate the best design features into our final group project. We were only allowed to use one piece of tinfoil and some glue and sellotape.
The winning boat managed to hold an amazing 373 cubes! Absolutely fantastic!
Well done boys!
Sumdog Success!
We came 3rd in the recent East Dunbartonshire Sumdog Contest and won a certificate for being the overall winners on the 17th!
Special congratulations must go to Priya and Ben who finished in the top 10 – fantastic!
Well done everyone!
Earthquakes & Building Design
Here we are investigating how the design of a building can help in an earthquake. We have built an earthquake simulator and programmed it to simulate different magnitudes. We have then investigated different building designs to determine which design can withstand the strongest magnitude.
STEM in action….
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) is a key focus in our learning and we have all been having great fun using Lego WeDo 2 to complete some excellent challenges. Have a look at some of our video clips and photos to get an idea of some of our learning activities.