On the way home. Expected arrival time is about 3.30
All posts by Mr Reid

Yesterday ended with a sing-song around a campfire. Despite some poor wardrobe choices, (several opting for fashion over sense!) we all had a great evening. This morning there will be one activity in addition to the toughest challenge the children will have faced all week… Packing their bags!
We hope to leave early enough to be back around 4.30, but the school will update you on that via text.
Group J attempting some teamwork in Problem Solving
Thursday Activities
Another busy day ahead. Very, very wet today but I’m sure the heavy rain will not dampen spirits. Activities are as follows:
Group J – Bush Craft, Environmental Art, Problem Solving, Jacobs Ladder, Indoor Laser and Campfire
Group K – Abseiling, Indoor Initiative, Fencing, Environmental Art, Indoor Laser, Aeroball and Campfire
Group L – Problem Solving, Abseiling, Bush Craft, Indoor Initiative, Jacobs Ladder and Campfire.
Clever Collaboration at Team Tech
Mud, Glorious Mud!
“Trail of Mystery” discovers a murderer in the group!
Nature Walk
Hi everyone,
No internet yesterday so sorry for the lack of posts. Just about to go for breakfast but will try and grab a few minutes to update you (and hopefully get some photos) on what has been happening. Everyone is great and having a fantastic time.
Day 2 is coming to a close with a mini Olympics. Everyone has experienced orienteering, archery, circus skills, Nightline, AJB, quad biking and zip wire. Many of the children have stepped up to face some challenging tasks and overcome their fears, while everyone has been having a great time.
Tomorrow activities will be as follows:
Group J – Team Tech, Nature Walk, Abseling, Fencing, Team Challenge, Aeroball and Trail of Mystery.
Group K – Team Challenge, Nature Walk, Zip Wire, Bush Craft, Jacobs Ladder and Trail of Mystery.
Group L – Aeroball, Nature Walk, Indoor Laser, Zip Wire, Fencing, Team Challenge and Trail of Mystery.
After such a busy day today it should (hopefully) be an early night!
Having some technical problems adding more photos (storage issues) so if I can’t resolve this I will take down the ones I have already posted and add new ones.
Keep posting. The children are enjoying hearing your messages.