14 thoughts on “Group K get muddy at Nightline.”

  1. Hi Cammy, love the muddy pics! Look like you’re having a great time! Can’t wait to see more! 3 more sleeps til ur 12!

  2. Hi Monica
    Looks great fun
    Hope you guys enjoy all your activities and are sleeping well

    Love Dad

  3. Hi P7’s
    It looks like everyone’s having more fun today!
    The official photographer is obviously keeping busy. Thanks

  4. Hi Gabriel, looks as if you are all having a great time. Plenty of dirt today ….

    Mum xx

  5. Hi Alex, Taylor and Sancia I wonder who will be doing all the washing when u come home….lol. you look like you are having a fab time love from all the family back home xxx

  6. Hi Taylor, Hi Alex, think you are having a great time eh? Loving looking at your photo’s. Looking forward to seeing what you get up to the rest of the week xx

  7. HI Sancia hope you’re having fun, it certainly looks as if you are. Wish I was with you the pictures look great. I’m so jealous Lots of love Zara

  8. Hi Zuzu

    Hope your having a great time. Dont tell mum I’ve been in touch you know how jealous she gets.

    ps . . . Messi is still alive.

    Hugs and kisses my little ginger snap

    Dad xxx

  9. Hi Ethan. Loving all the pictures. Looks like you’re having fun!! Your brother and sisters want you home to help load the dishwasher and wipe off the table!! Lol!! Wish we were all there doing all the fun activities! Bet you were great on the quad, you’ve had loads of practise! Love you!! Xxxxx

  10. Hi Tegan

    Hope u and all your friends are having a great time, pictures are great. Your little brothers and sister miss u loads house is to quiet. Hope u enjoy the rest of your trip see u on Friday love Mum Dad Marc Lennon and Lola Xxxxx

  11. Two more sleeps cammy! I wrapped your pressies tonight!
    Going to get your cake after work tomorrow! Hope ur having a great time. Mackenzie been asking how you are getting on and auntie heather showing him all photos.
    Roll on Friday till your home! Mum xxx

  12. Hi taylor and alex unfortunately the blog hasn’t been updated due to technical difficulties so I am unable to see your wee cheery faces. Granny betty and edpecially gran gordon r missing u dreadfully! Continue to have fun c u soon love mum and dad xx

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