Welcome message from the head of campus
As Head of The Barony Campus, I am delighted to welcome you to our Campus Blog!
Here you will find a wide range of information about the Campus which I am sure will be of great interest to pupils, parents, partners and our wider community.
I would like to thank the large number of pupils, parents, staff and partners who have contributed to our consultations over many months by completing questionnaires, taking part in surveys, attending meetings and offering written suggestions, paintings and drawings which have informed the planning of many aspects of our Campus provision.
It is my privilege to oversee this collaborative effort in uniting adults, children and young people within what I am convinced will be a sector-leading educational establishment.
It is through such consultation that we have arrived at the identification of our Campus Vision and three core Values:
Our Vision: ‘The Barony Campus: Where we belong; where we reach our potential’
Our Values: Achievement : Respect : Equity
This vision and these three values will now inform all of our actions on the Campus-every decision we make, every conversation we have and every learning activity we experience. I very much look forward to working with you in our value–driven future!
I am sure as a community, we all share a commitment to meeting the needs and ambitions of all of our children and young people, whatever these might be.
This will be combined with a determination to ensure positive, supportive relationships between staff, pupils and the wider school community, built on an ethos of nurture, care and high expectations.
I trust you will find the information on this blog informative and useful during our journey together. Please continue to visit our site as we grow and develop it.
We are committed to the best possible communication between pupils, parents and all of our partners and therefore very much welcome any suggestions you may wish to make.
Best Wishes
Peter Gilchrist
Head of Barony Campus

The Barony Campus in Cumnock is the biggest capital project ever undertaken by East Ayrshire Council, with costs in the region of £68m. The new Campus will incorporate:
- The Robert Burns Academy
- Lochnorris Primary School
- Cherry Trees Early Childhood Centre
- Hillside School
We are committed to delivering an inclusive learning environment where state-of-the-art facilities are provided for its children, young people and members of the community. A further focus on health and wellbeing will ensure this commitment extends to the outdoor facilities and these will provide enhanced leisure and recreational facilities for all members of the community who currently use the existing Broomfield site.
Children and young people, staff, parents and the local community are playing a significant role in developing the design for the campus. They have been working with the design team and senior officers to ensure the design of the campus reflects the educational aspirations of the Council, taking into account the requirements of the local community and the natural heritage and architecture of the area.
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