Snapshot of Learning Week- Friday 1/12/23

We made it! The Christmas art is done! 

We worked really hard on the final touches.

After that we took time to reflect on our learning for this week. We shared our thoughts about what we enjoyed and what was challenging then we completed our learning logs in our snapshot jotters. It is always a calm and peaceful writing task.

Look how focused we can be.







Today we marked the start of Advent by having a very special prayertime in class. We learned about the Advent Wreath and the colours of the candles. We sang “Light the Advent Candle” together around the wreath.

P4/5 then each came up with a kind or helpful “advent thought” which will go anonymously inside our wee stockings. One will be taken out each day of advent during our prayertime. It will remind us that Christmas is about more than just sparkle, glitter and gifts. I am really proud of their messages.


What a busy week. We hope you enjoyed our Snapshot. 🙂