Homework Week 1

Today the children will bring home their homework to show you some of the learning they have been doing in class.  So far the children have learned the following phonemes ‘a’, ‘s’ and ‘t’.  At home they can be looking for things that begin with that sound and then use the sounds to blend them together to make simple words such as ‘at’ and ‘sat’.  As well as learning to read, they have been writing letters.  In the yellow jotter there are letters that show where to start and the direction in which to form the letter correctly.  Pupils can use different coloured pencils/pens to practise their letter formation and draw pictures of items that begin with that letter.  There is also an envelope which contains the key words ‘a’, ‘at’, ‘the’.  It would be helpful if the pupils could practise these at home to build up their sight vocabulary.  I will aim to send the homework bag home on a Monday to be returned on a Friday.  This will allow me to organise homework for the following week.  Thank you for your support.