Our first full week in Primary one!

This has been a fun and busy week for us in Primary one! There has been a big focus on literacy, working on rhyme and syllables as well as learning our new phonemes ‘a’ and ‘t’.  We finished our exciting week with a pantomine brought to us by M&M productions called ‘The Secret Garden’.  The boys and girls really enjoyed it!

On Monday I will post some homework ideas linked to our learning from this week.  I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Welcome to Primary one!

It has been a pleasure to welcome the boys and girls to Primary 1 this week.  All the pupils have been getting used to their classroom  environment and establishing new routines.  They have also been building relationships with staff and making friends.  They have done very well and I’m proud of how they have started their journey in Primary school.  Here are a few snapshots from our week and will look forward to sharing our learning with you next week.