Primary 1 and 2 were making connections today during numeracy time. They were exploring different ways to make certain amounts using the numicon and then matched their coins up with each calculation!
Amazing work guys 🙂
Primary 1 and 2 were making connections today during numeracy time. They were exploring different ways to make certain amounts using the numicon and then matched their coins up with each calculation!
Amazing work guys 🙂
P1/2/3 participated in Miss Evans Creative Minds outdoor art project on Monday. Pupils started by talking about colour and composition whilst discussing and appreciating different artists. After setting up their paint stations outside, pupils prepared drawings and painted what they were able to see. Following that, pupils peer assessed each others work and shared their views on their experience.
Listen to our views on taking part in the Outdoor Art project.
Primary 1/2/3 have been practising their throwing and catching skills in PE through a number of different games. They have even mastered the ‘throw, catch and clap’ technique 😀 Check them out in action!
Primary 1 phoneme words – fair, hair, air, stair, chair, rain, pain, brain.
Primary 1 common words –
AF/CS – I, in, it.
HQ – old, do, going.
Primary 2 phoneme words – Paul, because, haunted, sauce, pause.
Primary 3 phoneme words – because, sauna, astronaut, haunted, pause, sauce.
Primary 2/3 Common words – know, yellow, father, mother.
In class, we are currently learning about Money during numeracy time. For this week’s homework I would like you to practise what we’ve been learning in class through the Toy shop money game.
Primary 1 – You should practise paying for items up to £2 using the exact coins.
Primary 2/3 – You should practise giving change from 20p (you must select “mixed coins” for this option.
Please click the below link to access P1/2/3’s class newsletter for term 4.
P1/2/3 have been learning all about Gravity this week. We became Scientists for the day and carried out an experiment called the ‘Gravity drop’. We collected different objects from the classroom and dropped them from the same height to see which ones fell to the ground first. We created our ‘hypothesis’ of what we thought would happen and then compared out results. 🧑🔬👨🔬🌍
Alongside your spelling and reading homework, you will now have some number work to practise at home. This week’s homework for maths is:
Primary 1 – to practise doubles within 10 and up to 20 (challenge) to ensure fluency and quick recall. Hit the button is a great game to help with this concept.
Primary 2/3 – to practise 4 and 5 times tables. We have moved on from multiplication however it is important to ensure we keep practising them regularly to ensure recall of the multiplication facts. Daily 10 and hit the button are great games to practise this.
There has been an alien invasion here in P1/2/3 👽
Continuing on with our Space topic, we read the story ‘Aliens love underpants’ and decided to make our very own class aliens! How super do they look!! They even have their own name! 👽😁
What a fabulous Easter fun day we had. Enjoy the clip of some of our highlights.