P1/2/3 – Spelling Homework 15.3.21

Primary 1/2/3’s phoneme and spelling words will be posted on the blog each week and should be practised at home. The words will be linked to the phoneme taught that week and common words which coincide. Children should use their alphabet letters or phoneme cards to practise spelling and build phoneme words. The attached picture below includes suggested activities to practise spelling of common words.

This week is consolidation week which means no new spelling or phoneme words are issued and children should practise and consolidate prior phoneme and spelling words.

Primary 1

Phoneme words –

strong, ring, bring, thing, lung, sting, string, sing.

what, wheel, whisk, when, whiskers, why, whisper.

Common words – be, but, you, was, went, his, have, just, to, your, by, only.

Primary 2 phoneme words –

speak, clean, steal, team, stream, eat, wheat.

low, grow, throw, follow, shallow, show.

Primary 3 phoneme words –

reached, treat, breathe, squeak, cheap, dream.

rainbow, tomorrow, arrow, shadow, window, hollow.

Primary 2/3 common words – 

because, who, every, these, know, people, each, said, yellow, again, before.



Dear Parent/Carer,

As part of our curriculum development, we are exploring the provision of literacy within Sorn Primary.

Parents/carers play an important role in their child’s school experience and in order for us to ensure that our delivery of not only high quality learning experiences in class for pupils is of excellent standard, it is also important for us to understand and support the needs parents/carers may have when supporting their child at home.

Your thoughts and opinions are very valuable to us and we appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey about reading. The survey has been split into three sections: your views on reading, your views on reading with your child and your views on the school’s reading provision.

The survey will take approximately 10minutes to complete.

To access the Reading Survey, CLICK HERE.

Kind regards,

Laura Kelly
Acting Head Teacher

P1/2/3 – Busy busy bees 🤩

We have had a super busy day in P1/2/3! 🥰

Through our class novel ‘Zog’ we discussed the main character’s  thoughts, feelings and appearance to create  a “Role in the wall”. Some super thinking going on and fantastic discussions 😁 From that we were able to create and write a few descriptive sentences all about Zog 🐲

We have also been super busy doing some different science activities for British science week 😍 We experimented with Miss Evans to create higher and lower sounds using water and different jars.

We have been learning all about The Solar System through our Space topic and so created our own! A great visual tool for remembering which planets are closer to the sun and which are further away.

Amazing work P1/2/3 you are just superstars 🌟

P1/2/3 – Spelling Homework

Primary 1/2/3’s phoneme and spelling words will be posted on the blog each week and should be practised at home. The words will be linked to the phoneme taught that week and common words which coincide. Children should use their alphabet letters or phoneme cards to practise spelling and build phoneme words. The attached picture below includes suggested activities to practise spelling of common words.

P1 Words

Phoneme words.                        Common words

  1. what.                                             have
  2. wheel.                                            just
  3. whisk                                             to
  4. when                                              your
  5. why                                                 by
  6. whisper                                          only

P2 Words

Phoneme words

  1. low                                               
  2. grow                                             
  3. throw                                           
  4. follow                                           
  5. shallow                                        
  6. show

P3 Words

Phoneme words

  1. rainbow                                    
  2. shadow                                      
  3. window
  4. hollow
  5. arrow
  6. tomorrow

P2/3 Common Words

  1. each
  2. said
  3. yellow
  4. again
  5. before

P1/2/3 – World Book Day 📚

P1/2/3 have had lots of fun today celebrating World Book Day 📚😁 We all looked AMAZING in our costumes, from Harry Potter to the Cat in the Hat.

We brought in our favourite book and showed them to the class, sharing our favourite characters or part in the book 📚

We participated in a World book day “Scavenger hunt” and had some quiet reading time in our class library 😍

We loved listening to Angela Proctor speak about her books and answer some of our questions!!

P1/2/3 – World Book Day

A reminder that pupils in P1/2/3 can dress up as a book character tomorrow for World Book Day. They can also bring in a favourite book to share with the class 😁

The Sorn community book trail will be up all weekend for everyone to visit. Look out for the laminated QR codes along the way to hear short messages about our favourite books and childhood stories 📚

P1/2/3 – Maths

Lots of super learning taking place today during our numeracy time 🙂

Primary 2/3 were investigating array patterns to help with their 2 times table and looking at finding half of different numbers by partitioning.

Primary 1 were exploring their number bonds to 10 using the Numicon and creating patterns.

Super work everyone!!

P1/2/3 – Busy bees

We have had a super busy day here in P123 😀

We have been practising rotating round different literacy activities and following our task board each day. Today we had lots of fun completing our new phoneme words using the sand, having a little read at our new reading books, and writing about what we did at the weekend.

Great work everyone 😊👍

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