P1/2/3 – Daily Check In

Good morning and happy Wednesday everyone!

I hope you are all feeling good today – remember to complete the daily check in below 🙂 Remember you can comment below, if you wish, to tell me why you are feeling a certain way. I am happy today because we are almost half way through the week and tomorrow is Thursday which means I get to see you all again! 😀

If you are out a walk or a run remember to send in how many miles you have done so we can add it to the Sorn total for our ‘500 miles February’. Every mile counts!! So far this week I have walked 14.5 miles. I love going out a walk to get some fresh air and relax 🙂 Well done to Kerr who walked 3.8 miles yesterday, this has been added to our total 😀 We can do this team Sorn!

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