National 5

The social subjects department meant offers a wide range of National 5 courses to pupils in S4. Our S4 courses are as follows;

National 5 History – The Era of the Great War, The Atlantic Slave Trade, Hitler & Nazi Germany.

National 5 history materials for S4 pupils can be found at;

N5 blog

N5 history Bitesize

Past Papers

National 5 Modern Studies – Democracy in Scotland, Crime & The Law, The USA.

Miss Devanney’s Senior Modern Studies Blog

BBC bitesize N5 modern studies

Past Papers

In S5/6, National 5 courses are run in conjunction with our Higher courses therefore the course content is slightly different. Our S5/6 N5 courses are;

N5 History – The Making of Modern Britain, Hitler & Nazi Germany and The Era of the Great War.

N5 Modern Studies – Democracy in Scotland, Social Issues in the UK, The USA.

N5 Geography – Physical, Human, Global Issues.

St Joseph’s National 5 Geography Blog

BBC Bitesize N5 Geography

Nation 5 Travel & Tourism

We also offer National 5 Travel and Tourism to S5/6 pupils. The units pupils complete are;

  • Scotland
  • Employability
  • Customer Service
  • UK issues

Resources for our Travel & Tourism Course can be found at;

For all our National Qualification courses, there is a comprehensive programme of support available to give pupils the best possible chance of success. This includes regular assessment with feedback to pupils and regular homework. In addition, lunchtime supported study, Easter Study Days and Pre-exam Study Days are offered by our staff. It is expected that all pupils commit to these as part of their N5 and/ or Higher courses.