16th November 2016

We had a successful P7 Information evening and S1 Settling in evening recently and were pleased with the turnout from parents. All the departments in school were represented and there was an opportunity for S1 parents to go round the school and see the work that has been taking place so far.  P7 parents were given information on how we will ensure a smooth transition for the pupils as they look towards joining us in August 2017. Part of the induction for the P7 pupils involved a Numeracy Challenge when all the pupils from P7 gathered in the assembly last Wednesday and were led by a group of S3 pupils in some challenging Maths problems.


The Parent Council met recently and at that meeting discussed the plans for consulting on changes to the curriculum and a move to a 33 period week. This has now been issued to all staff and parents and we are in the process of consulting with pupils.

Thanks are due to a group of pupils taking on the role of Poppy Ambassadors, not only going round classes with poppies but also their work on a Remembrance display and helping at the service. Thanks also to the Social Subjects department for their assistance in this. A 2 minute silence was observed in the school at 11am. Mrs Shearer represented the school at opening of the ‘Then and Now’ project on WW1 at Kilmarnock Railway Station along with Zara Ainsworth, Sophie Gallagher, Ava Hepburn and Ann McGiffen who were involved in the project.  And on Remembrance Sunday the school was once again represented at the Cenotaph.  poppy-1ww1-3    ww1-2

The Teachers’ Mass for Galloway Diocese took place on Tuesday in St. John’s in Stevenston. This was a lovely Mass celebrated by Bishop Nolan. I had the pleasure of reading the Bidding Prayers at the Mass – see what happens when you turn up early!

Our Christmas Parcel Campaign has now been launched and our initial target is 700 tins by the beginning of December.

Forthcoming Events:

  • Tuesday 22nd November:                              S1 Parents Evening
  • Tuesday 22nd November:                              S5/6 Reports issued
  • Wednesday 23rd November:                       S6 Inspire Day

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