May St Joseph give young people the ability to dream, to take risks for big tasks, the things that God dreams for us.
Pope Francis
I hope everyone enjoyed the break over Easter and came back refreshed. Not a complete break for many of our pupils as there was a great response to Easter School over the 2 weeks from our pupils preparing for their SQA exams! Let’s hope it was all worthwhile.
Before the holidays we planned a 5K run to raise funds for one of our S2 pupils Jessica Judge, who was staying down south with family whilst receiving treatment. It was with great sadness that we returned to school after the holidays to discover that Jessica had passed away. The decision was made to go ahead with the 5k run (or walk for many!) and raised over £1000 to be passed on to the family. This was a great way of coming together as a community to show our support and, despite the circumstances, had a lovely afternoon. RIP Jessica.
The S3 Biologists enjoyed a trip to Edinburgh Zoo recently. No one was left behind!
On Thursday our S4/5 pupils gathered at St. Matthew’s Church for the SQA Mass, to pray for the success of the exams. On the Friday S6 pupils joined the parish Mass for their Leavers Mass and were joined by friends and family. They had lunch and activities later with Fr Martin and we finished off the day later with a water fight with SMT and Guidance staff. A memorable last day! We wish them all the best in whatever path they take in the future.
At the weekend we had a number of pupils off on their practice for the Duke of Edinburgh expedition. By all accounts it was a very successful and enjoyable expedition despite an unexpected detour as a result of the Tour of Ayrshire cycle event! Thanks to staff for giving their time to pupils with these excellent opportunities and experiences.
Good luck to all our S4/5/6 pupils who will be sitting exams over the coming weeks! May you reap the benefits of all your hard work!
Forthcoming Events
- Thursday 4th May – Inservice Day (holiday for pupils)
- Monday 8th May – Parent Council meeting at 7pm
- Monday 15th May – Change of timetable (& format of school day) for S1/2/3 pupils
- Monday 29th May – School holiday