‘None of us is an island, autonomous and dependent from others. We can only build the future by standing together, including everyone.’
Pope Francis
At the end of May we were joined in the school by the HTs of Auchinleck Academy, Greenwood Academy and Carrick Academy. They spent the day observing lessons and talking to staff and pupils. The feedback from them was very positive and has also given us some areas for development in the school.
At the start of June we were joined by the Primary 7 pupils who will be our new S1 in August. They had a great time following their new timetable and meeting new friends.
On 1st June a group of pupils joined other pupils from across the country in the Aid to the Church in Need Rally at Carfin Grotto
Another group attended the annual Youth Saint Vincent de Paul event.
Our S5/6 pupils returned to school after study leave and seemed happy with how the exams had gone. They were set straight back to work however, as they set on their new courses for 2017/18.
Thanks to Miss Devanney we were lucky enough to have an Anne Frank Exhibition in the Drama Studio for a couple of weeks. Pupils were trained to guide others round the exhibition including some of the P6 and P7 pupils from St Andrew’s PS
Our S1/2 Awards Ceremony took place on the 8th June – well done to all who received awards and thanks to their families for coming along to celebrate their achievements.
That same day a number of our S6 pupils were awards the Pope Benedict XVI Caritas Awards at the Clyde Auditorium in Glasgow. It was a lovely event and great to see so many young people recognised for their commitment.
The Lochside House Hotel was the venue for the S5/6 prom this year. A beautiful venue, the pupils looked fantastic and and they had a great time.
I sent a letter to parents last week to inform them that I had been appointed HT of Our Lady’s High School in Motherwell. I will take up this post in August at the start of the new term and will be sorry to leave the many wonderful young people of St. Joseph’s. There will be an Acting HT in place for August until the post can be advertised and appointed.
School closes for the summer holidays on Thursday 29th June at 1pm and pupils return on Thursday 17th August.
Pupils will receive their SQA results on Tuesday 8th August.