Ramadan March 2023

Ramadan March 2023

Dh’ionnsaich sinn mu Ramadan an-diugh. Chruthaich sinn ealain gealaichean is rionnagan agus bhlais sinn deataichean airson a’ chiad uair.

We learned about Ramadan today. We created moons and stars art and tasted dates for the first time.


Grandparents tea party

We wanted to celebrate Shrove Tuesday and our grandparents so we had a tea party. We chatted about toys and our grandparents shared with us what they used to play with when they were small.

Bha sinn airson Dimàirt na h-Inid a chomharrachadh agus ar sean-phàrantan agus mar sin bha pàrtaidh tì againn. Bhruidhinn sinn mu dhèideagan agus dh’ innis ar sean-phàrantan dhuinn cò ris a bhiodh iad a’ cluich nuair a bha iad beag.

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