Library Visit

Primary Seven had a flying visit to the library this morning where they were able to pick out a new book to either take home or read in class. The books are due back on Thurs 10th October.

A few of the children still haven’t returned their book from last year. I have asked them to have a good look at home for it. If it is lost, this won’t be a problem, but you need to either write me a wee note to tell me or just phone Mrs Robertson to let her know and we will issue a new book on our next visit.


Our times tables homework focus was given out today in class.  This will run for the next four weeks. Pupils are free to choose a different times table each week that they feel they need to work on.  From here they should complete as many of the activities on the sheet as they can throughout the week.

By P7 the expectation is that pupils will know all times tables and have good recall of each.  This will support them in all other aspects of maths, especially fractions, decimals and percentages.  It will also prove to be a huge helping hand as they move to S1.  Lots of practise committing these to memory will be our table focus this session.

We can’t wait to see the improvements everyone makes.

Good luck and have fun.

Week Ending 13.09.24

Our numeracy morning was well attended by parents and carers and the children loved playing their games and showing off work to their families. We also loved getting baby cuddles from some of our youngest attendees! Thank you to all who managed to attend.

This week in PE, we continued our basketball lessons with Mrs McCaig and started skipping with Mrs Cook.


Week Ending 06.09.24

We have had an incredibly busy week in P7.  The pupils have continued their book study on Wonder and have been working on Multiplication with Mrs McCaig.  They have been learning to send emails in ICT and they have been going over the rules of Basketball in PE.  On Thursday for PE we had so much fun playing with the parachute. We played games such as Fruit Salad, Shark Attack and Washing Machine. At the end we made a giant tent to chill out in.

We started our  new Social Subjects topic on Thursday and we will be focusing on Refugees in Scotland. We have had lots of important discussions on what it would feel like to have to leave our friends and homes and possibly be split up from our families.