Our learners in P6/7 will be redesigning their classroom and have chosen to use Bitmojis to do this. A Bitmoji is a cartoon icon of yourself which can be customised to look like you. Pupils are being asked to create their Bitmoji at home by installing the app from the app store and creating an account. Many of our learners already have a Bitmoji which they can send.
It is possible to make a Bitmoji without having a social media account. With an adult’s support, learners can submit an email address to create an account. Once each pupil has created their Bitmoji I ask that they choose their favourite one which shows their personality and share it with me. This can be done by clicking and holding the selected image and choosing to share via email. Bitmojis should be sent to ealauren.brown@glow.sch.uk. Please feel free to delete the account once the image has been sent if it is something you do not wish your child to remain on, however I am confident that there are no dangers within this app as there are no additional features.