Every Monday morning, P6/7 are asked to write details and information for the week ahead, including homework expectations into their homework diary. The link below will show you this board.
Monday Morning Board – 21.1.19
In class, as part of our mental maths, we have been using the ‘Daily Ten’ on the Topmarks website. Even if they don’t admit it to you at home, everyone has really been enjoying the timed challenges. I have told the class that they can access this website at home from a number of devices any time they wish. It’s good fun and really does help improve mental agility! Follow the link below:
Literacy Homework- copy spelling words three times and then write six up-levelled sentences that include one of your spelling words and demonstrate awareness of VCOP.
Learn one of the extracts of Tam O’Shanter. Try saying it out loud with a family member, copying it down a few times or setting a daily target of lines to remember. Electronic links to the extracts are on the P6/7 blog page.
Numeracy Homework – simple equations HAM worksheet. Write directly on worksheet.
All homework due Friday 18th January.
P6/7 have been learning about the story of Tam o’Shanter by Robert Burns. For the Scottish Poetry Competition at the end of January, learners have been asked to learn an extract of the poem as part of their homework this week. Learners were all given a copy to practise at home. There is a choice of two extracts. One details the beginning of the poem and the other concludes the poem. Scots language can be tricky to master, so any help you can give at home, is much appreciated! Below are copies of both extracts.
Tam O’Shanter Extract 1
Tam O’Shanter Extract 2
Just another blogs.glowscotland.org.uk – East Ayrshire site