Monday- Spelling LCWC 3x
Tuesday- Spelling Speed Spell Numeracy- Converting £ to p
Wednesday- Spelling grid activity
Thursday- Bug Club pupil own choice
Monday- Spelling LCWC 3x
Tuesday- Spelling Speed Spell Numeracy- Converting £ to p
Wednesday- Spelling grid activity
Thursday- Bug Club pupil own choice
Have a look at our next round of homework challenges!
Some more of our P4s presented their Viking longhouse challenges to the class today. Another great job!
Keep your eyes peeled for the next set of fabulous longhouses!
What brilliant Viking longhouses the pupils have created. Each and every one is different and clearly lots of effort has been put into them.
A big thank you to all the adults for their support at home with the challenge, it is very much appreciated.
Over the next week, pupils will present their finished challenges to the class. I will upload the pupils’ photos when they have done this so keep an eye out for more fabulous longhouses!
Monday- Holiday
Tuesday- Numeracy- Rounding to complete a calculation. Please complete in numeracy homework jotter.
Wednesday- Mental Maths- 7x practise
Thursday- Bug Club- pupil choice
Have a great week everyone!
During our mental maths we used banana number fans to show our answers. We can round numbers to the nearest 10.
Great job P4!