Tag Archives: Trip

Jake and Jackson’s Post

The ceilidh was super fun we were having the best night of our lives.

In maths we have been learning more addition strategies and some subtraction strategies.

We were learning fact triangles.

In literacy we have been learning new phonemes and also some descriptive character writing about the Night Zoo. We had to write our own character description. We used core targets, similes, adjectives, adverbs and paragraphs.

Yesterday we went on a fun trip to the Titanic Exhibition. We met members of the crew and saw the hull, the funnel and the pulley from the ship. One woman was playing cards when disaster struck and the cards were on display. Women and children got on the lifeboats first. When it was sinking the weight of the water in the ship broke it in half. We had an excellent day and learned lots of facts about the Titanic.

Sorn Castle Visit 🏰

Today we visited the amazingly beautiful Sorn Castle. We enjoyed exploring some of the rooms including the drawing room, the bedroom of the late owner and the dining room.
Mrs Connell’s favourite room was where they hold the weddings. She was keen to get a shot of the huge pipe organ.
We had a look around the grounds where we got to see how the electricity is generated by hydropower.