First week in our new classroom!

Primary 2/3 have had a great first week in their new classroom and are settling well into their new routines.

Here are a few of the children’s thoughts on our new classroom:

“It is so big and it’s nice.” Callum

“I love it!” Logan R.

“I like all the toys.” Ivy

“It’s the best class I’ve ever had.” Charlotte

“I like the detail of it.” Adam

We haveĀ  a lovely book corner, a technology area, working areas for literacy and numeracy and lots of space for our blocks and loose parts.

This week we have been learning all about Robert Burns. We were lucky to have a visit from the Hopscotch Theatre Co. this afternoon who performed the show ‘Burns Last Supper’ for us. It was a great performance!

We have been working really hard in our amazing new learning space.

We learned how to draw a Scottish thistle. Mrs McKenna was so impressed with our artwork!

Please continue to practise Scots poems at home. On Wednesday we will be choosing the pupils who will go on to perform their poem in front of a panel judges.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs McKenna

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