Monday 30th March


Well done to everyone who has been working hard posting their work on their blog page. Please, please don’t forget to let me know on our class teams when you have uploaded your work on your blog, otherwise I won’t know to go and have a look.
Thank you
Miss Mccoll


I have attached a grid with activities for literacy, numeracy, health and well-being and topic for the full week. Please feel free to do just one activity from each section or you can do more if you wish. I have attached templates for some of the suggested activities on the grid. Thank you again for your continued support during this difficult time.

Miss Mccoll 30th March

Reading template

ph wordsearch

Easter egg template

Clean Your teeth instructions

7 thoughts on “Monday 30th March”

  1. Hi Miss McColl. Alice has been completing all her work but I am completely incompetent when it comes to technology so have not uploaded anything. Where exactly do I upload it to? Is there a class Microsoft teams? Thanks in advance.

    1. Yes, if you log into Alice’s Glow account you will find Teams there. You can upload her work there or on her own Blog.

  2. Hi Miss McColl – thanks so much for all the resources, Nathan has also been completing all the work but I’ve not had the chance to upload.

    Will do so by end of the week. Thanks again!

  3. Hi Miss McColl,

    I have posted photo’s of Aaron’s worksheets onto his blog page but I have no idea where the teams is :-/ so I hope I have done this right. I’m not very technical either. Do I just keep posting photos of the work he does? Many thanks

  4. Hi Miss McColl,

    I hope you and your family are all keeping well.

    Zack has been doing all his work too. Last week we uploaded it onto his blog page but this week we have managed to block his page and his password no longer works! ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ I think we have too many glow pages open in this house itโ€™s all gone a bit wrong! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I will email you his work this week and hopefully his password could be updated? If not donโ€™t worry and we will just keep sending you the photos via the glow mail.

    Thanks Gillian ๐Ÿ˜Š

  5. Hi Miss McColl. I don’t know how to get into the class team. I only see Mario’s blog in Glow. Also the school glow but it is the same than the school blog. Could you help me please? Thanks. Maria

    1. Hello Maria,

      Have you seen the P1A Teams account yet? It should be found from the launchpad on Glow. For myself, I access by typing office 365 into the search tab at the top right of the page and double click to enter. From there you click on Teams. I will confirm tomorrow with my colleagues if it is the same for pupil accounts. I’ve had some technical issues with my home computer and have only just got myself up and running properly from home. Hence the reason I am only just replying to your message. I’ll check-in with you tomorrow.

      Kind regards, Miss McColl.

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