Glow Log-Ins


The homework for Primary 3 will now be set via Microsoft Teams. This is accessed using the children’s Glow log-ins. I have sent home a slip with the child’s Glow username and verbally told them their password. When the children log in, they will be asked to create a new password that only they know.

The children will use Glow every week for their homework.

If there are any problems accessing the Teams page, please let me know!

Miss Tognini

11 thoughts on “Glow Log-Ins”

  1. Hi,

    Vinnie cant remember his password. would you mind sending us a reminder or writing it down for him please?

    thanks in advance 🙂

    1. Hi there,
      Unfortunately I am not allowed to send the password home in any kind of written form so that it is a secure and private password. Although, I understand it can be really tricky for the children to remember!
      Tomorrow, I will spend some time with Vinnie to help him remember his temporary password and will remind him again at 3 o’clock on his way home.

      Best wishes,
      Miss Tognini

  2. Hi Miss Tognini

    I have managed to log into teams for David but the assignments won’t open ? Keeps saying failing to load

    Thanks Alison

    1. Hi there,
      It might be because something on your device is blocking the attachments. If you can, try to access the Teams page on a different device if you have one available. Please let me know if the problem persists.

      Miss Tognini

      1. Hi

        We have managed to get it working on David’s iPad. He’s done the maths work. Hopefully you can see

        Thanks Alison

      1. Hi there,
        I’m not sure why it would say that. The only thing I can suggest is to try to access Teams on a different device if you have one available. Don’t worry though, if that still doesn’t work, I will work with Max next week to gain access to Glow in class.
        Hope you have a lovely long weekend!

        Miss Tognini

        1. Hi,
          We have tried every device we have and still getting a message saying, “You have attempted to access the P3B Miss Tognini dashboard but you do not currently have privileges on this site. If you believe you should have privileges please contact your network administrator.

          I don’t know if its something we are doing wrong or not to be honest, its all very frustrating. Can someone please help?


  3. Hi is homework on glow or teams? If so what is the username? Is it the little bit of paper that was sent home with them. The name on Harrison’s doesn’t work logging onto glow ….

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