Tag Archives: Feb 2022

Primary 3/4 Homework 28th February

Hello Primary 3/4!

And that’s our Scots competition over! I was so proud of everyone in Primary 3/4 that I felt I needed to share you all on the blog. Well done to James for representing our class in the school, we’re still to hear who our whole school winner is!

Go to this Sway

Here is your homework for this week. Remember, Homework is due back every Friday! Here’s our homework guide, this is only an example of what can be done each day.


Have a conversation with someone at home using the ‘Talk together’ Lanyard. This week’s questions are:

‘What is empathy?’

‘Have you every shown empathy to someone?’


 Choose 2 spelling tasks from the menu to practise all of your spelling words in your jotter.


This week we have a problem solving challenge!

The Amazing Splitting Plant

The splitting plant grows in a special way.

In the first week, the stem splits into two branches.
In the second week, each of these two branches split into another two branches – making four branches altogether.

This keeps happening every week, until at the end of the sixth week each branch grows a flower.

How many flowers will the plant have?

As an extra task, practise your maths on Sumdog.


 Read through your reading book on Bug Club!

Spelling words

Red Group

another     watch     time     windy

Yellow Group

round     found     wish     men

Blue Group

said     could      big

I can’t wait to see your work on Friday!

Any questions, contact mirren.aird@eastayrshire.org.uk

Miss Aird

Primary 3/4 Homework 21st February

Hello Primary 3/4!

Here is your homework for this week. Remember you homework is returned on Friday! Here’s our homework guide, this is only an example of what can be done each day.

Monday + Wednesday

You will have seen on your letters that our Scots afternoon is on the 24th February! We’re practising in class and we have even made some props for our performance! Keep practising so we can perform on Thursday afternoon.

Primary 3 Poem

Primary 4 Poem


In class, we have been looking at our x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 and x8 tables! To practise, pick a table we have been learning and create a poster with you times table!

Here are some ideas to get you started

Please bring in your creations or email them to me and I can display them in our classroom!



Read through your reading book on BugClub!

Foxes – Going into Space

Owls – What is a Wookie?

Snakes – Tricking Our Eyes

Mice – My Pony Book/Sea Snaps

Spelling words

Red Group

which     what      bring      long

Yellow Group

how     where     now     too

Blue Group

make    like     made

I can’t wait to see your work on Friday!

Any questions, contact mirren.aird@eastayrshire.org.uk

Miss Aird

Primary 3/4 Homework 7th February

Hello Primary 3/4!

Here is your homework for this week. This homework will be due on Thursday! Here’s our homework guide, this is only an example of what can be done each day.


You will have seen on your letters that our Scots afternoon is on the 24th February! Keep practising your poems at home and we’ll be hearing some of them in class this week!

Primary 3 Poem

Primary 4 Poem


 Choose 2 spelling tasks from the menu to practise all of your spelling words in your jotter.


You have all become such superstars at multiplication, its time for a quick test!
Head to Sumdog and take your time answering the questions 🙂 

Spelling words

Red Group

each     year     away    always

Yellow Group

what   many     soon     book

Blue Group

had     see     has

I can’t wait to see your work on Friday!

Any questions, contact mirren.aird@eastayrshire.org.uk

Miss Aird