Primary 3/4 Homework 17th Jan

Hello Primary 3/4!

**We’re looking for any toilet/kitchen roll tubes for our dinosaur topic! Please donate if you can 🙂 **

Here is your homework for this week. Remember, Homework is due back every Friday! Here’s our homework guide, this is only an example of what can be done each day.


Have a conversation with someone at home using the ‘Talk together’ Lanyard. This week’s question is ‘What does a healthy plate look like?’


 Choose 2 spelling tasks from the menu to practise all of your spelling words in your jotter.


Can you write your 2x table  as an array?

2 x 4      2 x 5    2 x 1     2 x 7    2 x 9   2 x 2    2 x 8

As an extra task, practise your maths on Sumdog.


 Read through your reading book on Bug Club!

Spelling words

Red Group

which      what        bring        long

Yellow Group

blue        best        number        other

Blue Group

old        do        going

I can’t wait to see your work on Friday!

Miss Aird

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