
I am still unable to upload photographs to our class blog however here is an overview of what we have been learning at school this week…



This week we learned all about the letters d and e. We learned the actions for these sounds to help us remember the sound they make. We practised the formation of these letters and blending sounds to help us read words. We used magnetic letters to help us say, make, break, read and write words with all the sounds we have learned so far. Our tricky words we learned this week were did, as and he. We practised writing these words using different coloured pencils. Some children decided to make spelling bees and spelling shapes and wrote their tricky words inside the bees or shapes they drew. 

Please practise the sounds for five or ten minutes every night and use books to look for these words. Now that we have learned a good few sounds, we are also focusing on building words with these sounds. Use the sound cards to help your child build, read and write as many words as you can at home. Thank you. 


We have been learning to add two numbers together using a numberline. This is a tricky concept and I am pleased with the progress the children are making. This will be our focus for the next couple of weeks at least. We are getting much better at recognising, ordering and writing our numbers, especially the “teen” numbers, although a common mistake at this stage is writing numbers back to front and this is something we will continue to work on. It would also be helpful to spend just five or ten minutes every night adding numbers within 10 or 20 and practise the correct formation of numbers.



We have been exploring Autumn this week and the boys and girls loved going outside to collect leaves. The leaves are currently drying out and we will be using them next week to create a hedgehog picture. Gym is a mix of yoga, general fitness activities and team games. 


Look out for a little letter in your child’s diary today telling you all about Bug Club and how to access it. Your child’s login details are on the inside cover of their yellow diary and we have now allocated a wordless book for your child to explore and Maths games for you to  try out.


Have a lovely weekend and I can’t wait to hear all about your weekend news on Monday boys and girls. 🙂


This week in Literacy we have been revising our sounds and tricky words and we have been learning to say, make, read and write 3 letter words using the sounds and letters we have been learning. Please practise doing this at home with your child to help reinforce the learning taking place in class.


In Numeracy we have been learning to add numbers within 10 using cubes, counters and a numberline.


This week we have been learning the new sounds p and n. Next week is a consolidation week of the first 6 sounds we have learned. We have been working on making 3 letter words using these sounds e.g. pat, sat, tap. It would be helpful if you could reinforce blending these sounds to read similar words at home. Try building or making words out of playdough, pasta or anything else you have at home. There will be no new sounds next week.


In Maths we have been focusing on missing numbers to 20, 1 more/less and 2 more/less, number before after within 20 and recognising numbers to 20. It would be helpful to continue to practise the numbers 11 – 20 with your child.

Thank you.

Miss McConnell


This week we have been learning all about the letters “a” and “t” and the sound that they make. We have also learned the common words a, at and the. Please revise these with your child at home, practise reading them, writing them and finding them in the environment.

In Maths, we are continuing on with reading, writing and recognising numbers within 30. The children generally find teen numbers trickier so please practise these numbers at home. Today, we looked at 0’clock times. The children made a clock face and stuck the numbers on the clock.

** Check in phone calls**


On Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th September I am going to be making a quick five minute check in call just to let you know how your child is settling in and for a chance for you to ask anything you are unsure about. I will be available on Monday morning between 9.15 – 11.50am and on Tuesday afternoon from 1.00pm – 2.45pm. Please let me know if you would prefer Monday morning or Tuesday afternoon if you would like a check in call.

You can email me at kirsty.mcconnell@eastayrshire.org.uk with your preference

Thank you.


I have uploaded a copy of what we call our jigsaw plan. This outlines what we are planning to cover between now and Christmas across the different areas of the curriculum. I hope you find this helpful.


This week in school we have been learning about the different types of animals that we might find on a farm as part of our topic – The Farm. Today we looked at the names of baby animals and matched the baby animals to their Mother.

In Maths we have been counting up to 20 and focusing on ordering numbers to 20.

For Literacy, we are doing activities which help to develop our fine motor skills to help make our little fingers strong for writing. We intend to start introducing sounds next week.