Outdoor Learning Day
Just a reminder we are having an outdoor learning day on Monday 7th December as we are in base 1 and getting our new boards fitted. Please send your child to school with warm clothes.
Thank you.
Weekly update
Here are some examples of dictated sentences we have been practising in class. Why not have a go at making up similar sentences for your child to practise writing.
- We ran into my den.
- He can kick the can.
- I am in my den.
- I sat at my desk.
- We got a flag for you.
This week we have been focusing on building sentences. The children have been using picture and word cards to make their very own sentence (Who? What? Where?) and have really enjoyed this station.
The children have also been talking about Sumdog this week. This is another great Maths resource that the children enjoy and is helping them with their counting skills and number bonds.
27th November
New sounds this week are b and u.
Tricky words – be, but, you.
We are getting better at recognising the shape of our tricky words to help us remember how to spell the words and form our letters correctly. Another tip to help us spell our tricky words correctly is counting the letters in our tricky words.
We are getting much better at blending letters to read three letter (CVC) words and Miss McConnell was very impressed with reading the words in our reading book this week. Well done boys and girls.
We are also getting much quicker at recalling our number facts within 10. Great effort everyone.
We are also learning a little bit of sign language too! We are learning how to sign the song It was on a Starry Night. We have learned all the signs for this song now and we will be learning a new song next week which we are all very excited about.
Bug club reading book
Sound cards
Making and reading as many words with the letters b and u as you can.
Try using these words in a sentence
Allocated Maths games on Activelearn
Number facts up to 10
20th November
This week’s sounds are f and o. We are getting much better at puttin sounds together to read words. Please continue to practise making three letter words (CVC) at home using the magnetic letters provided. Activity ideas include reading words for your child to spell and making words for your child to read. It is important to practise reading the allocated reading books on Bug Club as often as you can.
We are also trying to get quicker with our number bonds to 10. Asking your child a few quick questions on the way to school or whenever you can will help improve their recall of these number stories.
Thank you for your continued support.
Magnetic boards
Just a reminder to say that if anyone has been given a board in their pack that isn’t magnetic, send the board back into school and we will get a replacement reordered.
Thank you.
13th November
This week we have been practising writing dictated sentences. This was our first time at doing this but Miss McConnell was pleased with how hard we tried. We learned that we write our sentence on the first line at the top of the page/whiteboard and we write from left to right. We also learned that if we run out of space we write on the next line down, starting at the beginning of the new line. We are also working on leaving a finger space between words. We are getting much better at this and now that we have learned more than half of the sounds and lots of tricky words, we are trying to write words by ourselves.
A good homework task is to call out some words and encourage your child to make these words using their magnetic letters and write the word independently.
In Maths, we will continue to work on Addition and number bonds to 10 up until Christmas. It would be very helpful if you could revise recognising numbers to 20, the number before/after a given number at home and having a number of the day, where your child has got to come up with as many different ways of making that number as they possibly can.
The boys and girls have also been set a challenge to practise zipping up their jacket by themselves and are doing well. Please encourage your child to practise this at home. Thank you.
Have a lovely weekend boys and girls.
6th November
This week we have been consolidating the sounds we have learned so far, so there are no new sounds or tricky words this week. Miss McConnell is really impressed with how we are coming on with learning our sounds and tricky words. Keep up the good work boys and girls and keep practising every night. We are able to make more words using our magnetic letters and have been focusing on forming our letters correctly.
Please remember to go logon to Bug Club as often as you can and don’t forget to click on all the bugs. Thank you.
In Maths we have been choosing a magic number of the day and coming up with as many different ways as we can to make that number. We are getting better at using a number line to add two numbers together.
We have been learning all about fireworks this week and had fun painting our very own fireworks picture. These have been put into a special jotter that we will get to bring home at the end of the month.
30th October
Happy Halloween.
This week we have been learning all about the letters c, k and ck. The boys and girls have been practising forming these letters correctly and we learned the action for the sounds too. We have been putting the letters we have learned together to read CVC words. We found this tricky but Miss McConnell says that the more we practise blending letters together, the easier it will become. We have been practising to read and write our tricky words too. We had lots of activities to choose from when doing our Literacy work, including snakes and ladders where if we landed on a square with a word on it, we had to read the word. We had a writing table where we practised writing letters and words. We also used our magnetic boards to make, read and write words.
In Maths we have been working hard with with addition within 20. We practised writing our numbers to 30 this week. We are getting better but sometimes we write our numbers round the wrong way. We are trying hard to remember that the 1 comes first when writing teen numbers.
Finally, we have had lots of Halloween fun. We have been reading scary Halloween stories and listening to Halloween songs. We made our very own scarecrows using paper plates and made lanterns. We had to cut very carefully and stop at the end of the line. Miss McConnell says we did a really good job. On Friday afternoon we had Halloween colouring activities, design a pumpkin and cutting out activities to choose from.
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday.