Monthly Archives: May 2021

Make your very own Hard Tack Pirate Biscuits

1.Put flour (3 cups), salt (½ teaspoon), and dried yeast (½ sachet) into a bowl.

2.Gradually add 2 big spoons of water.

3.Knead into dough. Leave for 30 minutes.

4.Roll to 1 cm thick, cut out biscuit shapes and prick with a fork.

5.But on a baking tray. Bake on 215˚C/Gas Mark 7 for 30 minutes

6.Remove from the oven, leave to cool and eat!


I would love to see some photos of your biscuits. Send them to and let me know how they tasted!

17th May 21

Today we learned the new sound “oy”. Practise making as many words as you can with your magnetic letters at home using this sound. Even try to write sentences using your words.

In numeracy, we are continuing on with money and working out change from 10p. Why not set up a mini shop at home and practise giving out change?

Please read your allocated Bug Club book as often as possible throughout the week to increase fluency and accuracy. Ask an adult to ask you questions about what is happening in the story to help develop reading comprehension skills.

I am also checking our knowledge of all the sounds and tricky words we have been learning this term this week, so please go over these as much as possible at home too.


Thank you for your continued support.

Miss McConnell

Class update

The boys and girls have been working very hard in class learning all about money. Over the past few weeks we have been recognising coins up to £2, adding money, using money to make different amounts and even working out change! The boys and girls in P1B are all so clever and Miss McConnell is very proud of you all.

In Literacy our common words are becoming a little bit more trickier. Please practise these every night, reading, making and writing as many as you can. We are also working on putting some of our words into a sentence. Also, don’t forget to go on and read your Bug Club book as many times throughout the week as you can and talk about the story, characters and ask a grown up to as you some questions.

We are continuing our Pirates topic and loved making Pirate hats and today we built our very own pirate ship using lego and bricks.