Good Morning

Hello boys and girls. Happy Friday!


Well done for surviving your first week of home schooling – I know it is no easy task. You might be feeling happy that you can perhaps have a little bit of a longer lie (like Miss McConnell this morning). I know some of you will be feeling sad though because you are missing your friends and your activities. Let me know what you like to do to cheer you up a bit if you are feeling a bit sad. I like going for a long walk and this morning I am going to do a bit of yoga. Leave me a little comment.

3 thoughts on “Good Morning

  1. This morning we went for a walk and played at the park. It was lovely as I had the park to myself. We were out for 2hrs and got home just in time for lunch. I made my own lunch today which was a ham sandwich.

    Harper xxx

    1. Sorry Harper, that is your comment just coming through just now. I had a bowl of lentil soup for my lunch. Well done for making your own ham sandwich. Have a lovely weekend and I will hear from you next week.

  2. Heidi – I like to take my dog for walks to keep us both happy.

    Oliver – Playing with my wrestling toys keeps me happy.

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